Sunday 26 August 2007

As you can see from the evidence I belong to the amateur category of painters/drawers. In fact, I think I have forgotten how to draw! Illustration Friday fascinates me and I have had several attempts at home illustrating the given topics and have been so impressed with the ideas people have come up with.
I liked the topic "Visitors". Having kept animals all my life we know all about the little visitors they have. I also remember the "Nit Nurse"!


gaby braun said...

I think the most impoprtant is the idea behind the drawing. Very good!

The Crusty Crone said...

oh the dreaded Nits!!

Cute illustration... I can relate, and I've gotta watch out for my grand kids. They like to share. And I knew exactly what was happening when I looked at your sketch and thats what illustration is all about, isn't it.

Jill Calder said...

this is a very good idea - leftfield!
this is great that you have the Illustration Friday bug now (or should that be nit?)

countrygarden said...

cute and full of personality! you haven't forgotten at all, please continue!